Finished Eeveelution RPG

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'You'll report to Team Galactic base now.'
"Why should I?"
"Ok, I'll be there soon leader." Shannon starts to wake up.
"I know, Moonlight. Just try to get past it. Or should I put you in your pokeball? The smell'd go away..."
Shannon stands up. 'Go outside, there's a Staraptor waiting.' Shannon does as he said and flys of towards the base.
"I've got 4 more."

Twilight ShayminLvr said:
Shannon stands up. 'Go outside, there's a Staraptor waiting.' Shannon does as he said and flys of towards the base.

"Wait a minute... Something's not right."
*Closes his eyes and concentrates. A shape begins flying towards them.*
Moonlight: "If you even try to put me in one ill break all of them.."
*She looks at the Shade*
Moonlight: "...Is that Shannon?!"
*A Skarmory lands next to them. Garret catches it quickly and lets it out.*
"Skarmory, take us after that Staraptor, fast."
*Climbs on.*
"Get on Moonlight."
Shannon walks in the building.
"Welcome. Our leader and your new outfit are upstairs." Shannon nodded and stepped on the warp panel.
*Moonlight shakes her head*
Moonlight: "Dont worry i cant be cought easly.."
*She jumps on the warp pannel Shannon went on and dissapears*
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