Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Sunset, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do..."
*Turns into an Umbreon. Tackles Shannon, sending her flying into a wall. Forms a Shadow Blade and leaps at Cyrus.*
Shade *T*: "THIS is for enslaving me on Spear Pillar!"
*Slashes him across the chest.*
Shade: "Great..."
*Makes a Shadow Blade. He readies himself for battle... But stops.*
"I can't hurt you..."
*Holds out a pokeball.*
"Moonlight, return.*
*She goes into her pokeball.*
"Alright Shannon. You win. If you really want to hurt me, go ahead. I won't fight back."
Shannon starts to glow."Losing...Power.." She starts to faint.
"Oh no you you don't." Cyrus hit a button that sent a shock wave into Shannon. She screamed in pain.
*Goes Full Shadow Form. Tackles Cyrus. Grabs him by the throat.*
"Remember me? The Umbreon you controlled in Spear Pillar?"
*Moonlight growls and remembers what Cyrus did. She starts to glow red and the Pokeball and the seal break open. She growls at Cyrus*
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