Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Hugs her tightly, tears of joy springing to his eyes. The area around them turns from a barren wasteland to a beautiful meadow.*
"I thought you hated me..."
*Is still hugging her.*
"... Yes. I will..."
*They both start glowing faintly. Garret and Shannon appear in the real world, on Mt. Coronet, both human. Garret looks around. The ground has huge fissures in it, and the sky is raining fire.*
"What.... What happened...?"
"... Oh no... I'm the Emissary of Shadow... I keep the world's Shadow in check... So when I died... It went out of control..."
*Stares at the sky.*
"I'm going to fix this. I'll be back..."
*Kisses Shannon's cheek and starts glowing pure white. Flies into the dark cloud that's covering the earth.*
*Dustin had followed them and now knows what had happened. But made sure they couldn't see him.*
*He chuckled to himself.*
"I knew it was too good to be true.
*Dustin hops down from his hiding spot near Shannon.*
"Hey Shannon. I know what happened and I'm okay with it. Another thing about love. Even if you aren't together as long as the other one's happy everything always perfect so I'm happy you two can fix this thing. But Garret's going to need help solving this problem.."
*Dustin's star starts to glow and soon he's covered in a large star and gets ready to go after Garret.*
*Garret keeps flying into the cloud. He stops in the middle of it. There's an expolosion of light in the cloud, and it begins to disperse. The ground seals itself back together, and the world heals itself. Garret starts falling back to the earth, unconscious.*
*Dustin keeps on flying and heads into the distance but Telepathicly leaing a message in Shannon's mind.*
I'll always love you Shannon and if you ever need me just meet me at the Island of Dreams where everyone's dream's come alive...
(Night, your leaving early:p)
Shannon's eyes sparkled as she looked at him.
"I love you," she murmered as she eneded the song.
(Ok so does Shannon still have feelings for Dustin she just loves Garret more or did Shannon just suddenly stop loving Dustin entirely?)
Name: Leafy
Age: 16
Eeveelution: Leafeon
Description: Very calm, has learned how to utilize psychic powers from this ability, but when attacked these powers drop. He is a powerful Pokemon, but can sometimes be stubborn, and even on extremely rare occasions attacked his friends unprovoked.
Appearance: Small Emerald on his head, which powers him when it glows. His paws are dark green instead of brown.
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