Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Just then the floor drops beneath her and she's sent plummetting down into a forever darkness the light dimming out of sit.*
*Garret appears next to Shade. They both sigh.*
In unison: "Why can't my life ever be normal?"
*They both dive into the pit after Shannon.*
*Garret growls. Tears streak down his eyes. He unleashes Chaos, but keeps some control over him.*
Chaos/Garret: "WHERE IS SHE?!"
*Nightmares start to appear in the arena whispering to them taunting them.*
*Then they all grow fangs and claws and leap at them slashing at them.*
*More and more just keep appearing.*
*Garret/Chaos makes two Shadow Blades. Shade makes a Light Blade and a Shadow Blade.*
Garret/Chaos: "I hate this so much..."
Shade: "Welcome to my world."
*They start slashing away at the nightmares.*
*Finally the nightmares stop coming. And three appear. They each are exact clones of themselves. One garret/Chaos, one Shade, and One Hidj.
*Hidj has an idea. He communicates with Shade and Garrett*
"Don't battle yourselves! Battle a clone of another person!"
*Shoots Razor leaves at the Shade clone*
PL-"Shanon, you may come see Dustin. If you really want to..."
*The nightmares stop and get off her. A door of light appears about 10 feet in front of her.*
PL-"Just walk through that door and you'll be with him..."
*Shade and Garret/Chaos growl.*
Garret/Chaos: "Alright. Here's how it goes down. I've got Shade's clone, he's got mine, and Hidj goes up against himself. MOVE!"
*Garret/Chaos leaps at Shade's clone, slashing him in the gut.*
PL-"Very good you 3. You move closer to Shannon now."
*3 different dark blood red doors appear in front of them.*
PL-"But now you split up. Only one per door."
*above the first door is a G, the second a H, and the third an S.

*Shannon finds herself in an extremely cold room just like Dustin but with a window.*
*Through the window she can see Dustin on the ground fainted.*
Shade: "... Alright. We all go through our own doors."
*Garret/Chaos goes through the G, Shade goes through the S.*
(Not what I had in mind but sure....)
*Garret/Chaos see "Shannon" (not real a fake.) on the floor dead with blood everywhere. And next to her with a bloody sword in their hand was themselves.*
*Shade sees Moonlight running away from him blood coming out of a fatal wound on her side.*
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