Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Shannon sees Dustin.
"Dustin! Can you hear me?!?" She started to shake from the cold and fell down.
*Garret/Chaos shudders.*
"No... I couldn't have..."
*Growls at the fake him.*
*Shade gasps and bolts after "Moonlight."*
*Dustin stirs for a second and notices the window.*
*He get's together enough energy to reach the mirror.*
*HE sees Shannon.*
*He falls back to the ground still freezing cold.*
*Hidj looks around. He is cornered.*
"I guess I'll have to do this on my own."
*Uses Leaf Storm. Leaves fly around the room extremely fast, weaking the Giant Octillery. He finally uses Giga Drain, draining the last of the Octillery's power.*
She doesn't answer and shudders because of the cold. She curled up in a ball trying to stay warm.
*The other Garret/Chaos turns around in Chaos form.*
"How could I? We are the same people. This is you! In the near future like Dustin predicted."

FMoonlight-"Shade. Is that you? Then the connection worked. I'm from the near future. I come in the pit after you btu here this thing get's me and now I'm about to die... Please save me by stopping me from coming in after you...."'
*The Fake Moonlight lies down dead.*
*Shade shakes his head, confused.*
"No... Please..."
*Garret/Chaos growls.*
"No... That's a lie!"
*Garret/Chaos shakes his head.*
"According to Dustin, there's half an hour left before Chaos takes me over."
*Turns into Garret only.*
"Not going to happen."
*Makes a Shadow Blade in one hand and a Light Blade in the other.*
Garret/Chaos-"You succseed again Garret but time is running out for Shannon."
*Another door appears in front of Garret.*
The Octillery-"Hidj! Give up now and I will spare you. You have the option to leave but only one chance before I crushyou to death!"
*Out of FMoonlight' pocket is note saying "Please prevent this Shade. You are my last and final hope..."
*Shade shakes his head.*
*Closes his eyes.*
"This is fake. It's all an illusion..."
*Garret runs through the door.*
PL-"good job Shade but Shannon's still waiting at the top of the tower getting closer ad closer to death."
*Another door opens opens in front of SHade.*
*Garret finds himself in the center of a never ending maze with Shannon screaming for help from the end.*
Octillery-"Up that ladder behind you. It will bring you straight out of the pit."
*Behind Hidj is a ladder.*
Garret: "SHANNON!"
*Focuses on her lifepattern. Follows the maze flawlessly to the end.*
*Shade runs through the next door.*
*Hidj hesitates, then climbs up the ladder. At the final rung, he seems to change his mind. He jumps off the ladder and latches on to the Octillery, using Giga Drain.*
*The maze never ends and the voice just keeps on screaming.*

*Shade finds himself at the base of the tower.*
*At the top he sees Shannon trapped at the very top screaming "Please hurry! It's going to kill me!"*

*The Octillery dissapears and in his lace is a door.*
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