Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Dustin starts to go after Shannon but finds that he's stop and is dicinigrating.*
*Dustin's about to scream for help but then thinks that if Shannon hears him that she'd come to help dicinigrating herself as well.*
"Goodbye, Shannon."
Shade: "Moonlight, she flirted with me. I gave her absolutely no response. I didn't want to break her heart."

Twilight ShayminLvr said:
Shannon sighs and takes out a ghost-like gutair. A tear fell down er eye an she started to play and sing this song.

*Nothing happens. Garret's still gone.*
"I must thank you for giving up your life. It completely tore him apart."
*Laughs evilly*
Shannnon stops the song for a second.
"You think it was my falut!! I loved him! It's not my falut I froze to death!"
She kept playing.
"Looks like there's no way to tell you differently." She finishes her song. As The Land of the Dead disintegrates, Shannon slowly started to disapear. A tear rolled down the side of her face.
"Goodbye forever....My true love...Garret...."
*Chaos laughs evilly.*
"Pathetic... He can't even hear you. And now the world will suffer..."
*The world is almost finished disintegrating. Shannon can see a single soul next to Chaos. It's Garret. He's staring at the ground, his eyes blank.*
"... I messed up..."
*Closes his eyes. A tear falls to the ground. His head snaps up.*
"But I know how to fix it."
*Uses his powers to bring Shannon back to life. Kisses her deeply. She can barely feel it.*
"Shannon... Remember me."
*He flies into his body, which is in Chaos's heart. His voice resounds through the air.*
"Chaos... You are the entity of Evil and Shadow..."
*Chaos starts glowing white.*
"But for every evil, there is good."
*Chaos screams in pain.*
"I know that now... So I summon the Light within all of us. The light that drives back the shadows in our hearts."
Chaos: "No..."
Garret: "Shannon... I am undoing everything Chaos did today... But in order to do that, I must give up my own existence..."
*The glowing brightens.*
*He fully transforms into this. He uses his power to fix the world. The pokemon that died regain their life. He floats in the air, pouring his power into the world, fixing everything that Chaos did.*
(g2g for an hour. NO ONE POST BUT TSL UNTIL I GET BACK!!!)
(Im not going to be here in an hour so let me just post.)
*From down below Dustin had seen everything that happened.*
*He sighs and walks around in the land of the dead.*
*Garret finishes fixing everything. Everyone Chaos killed, as well as Dustin, Xhela, Maria, and Illua, are free to come back to Earth if they want. He collapses to the ground, still in Max Light Form.*
*He becomes human again and walks over to her, already fading.*
"Shannon... Live a good life... And never forget me..."
*Kisses her for a long time, then fades away.*
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