Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"When I split into myself and him, I weakened his hold on Chaos... That's why he was able to get out..."
"Well... I'm going to Mt. Coronet..."
*Starts walking.*
Shannon sighs and looks at the ground. Then she looked up.
"Mind if I come with you? I have to find something to do for the rest of my life...."
"I don't have anywhere else to go...I need to find a place I can live forever..."
She starts heading to Mt. Coronet.
*They arrive at Mt. Coronet. A Shadow Arrow flies at Shannon, landing inches away from her. It has a note attached.*
"It says,'Your love awaits you in the field of the forgotten.' I have no idea what the field of forgotton is though."
Shannon mouthed the words, 'My love.' She turned to Shade.
"It must mean Garret!! You have to tell me where it is!!!!"
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