Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Veran turned on the machine locking the doors before realizing Moonlight was in.*
V-"Wait! No Moonlight! This is not good!"
*The machine starts to spark and sputter.*
V-"At this rate... Moonlight's going to be split in half too...."
Garret: "Not on my watch."
*Teleports into the machine. Grabs Moonlight and teleports out before it can activate.*
OShade and Shade: "Oh, my head..."
Shade: "WHOA!!! OShade?!?!?!"
OShade: "Yes. Thanks for remembering after- What has it been now? 7 years? Maybe more?"
"OShade! It's great to have you back-"
*Spots the two other pokemon.*
"This is not good...."
(Only have 5 minutes left.)
*Another Moonlight walks out, confused*
OMoonlight: "Ughhhh..."
*Moonlight growls at Gerrat*
Moonlight: "BUT SHES EVIL!"
(SS, can u find a new name for her? OShade is called that cuz it's Original Shade. And Emix followed them)
*Shade and OShade both pass out.*
Garret: "No, she's not! I searched her mind!"
Moonlight: "But she KILLED ME!"
*She jumps and slashes Teara again*
(Errr....hmmm what should be her name? How about CMoonlight (CopyMoonlight)
(Which means Emix was duplicated too.)
*Emix wakes up next to a clone of her*
Xime: "Who are you, and what do you want?"
Emix: "The more important question is who are you, and what do you want?"

*Hidj pulls Forte off the ground*
"This is no time for sleeping!"
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