Finished Eeveelution RPG

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V-"This is bad. The machine took to much pressure and slit too many people giving some disadvantages."
*Tera give them all temporary powers to bring them back to their normal standard.*
Twilight ShayminLvr said:
Shannon screams in the middle of the teleprt and apeared next to everyone again.
"AHH!! MAKE IT STOP!!" She held her head.

*Garret runs to her.*
*Dustin hears the screa from Garret and teleports to him.*
Dustin-"Garret what's wrong?"
(Arrgh so many characters now.)
"My head!!" She curled up into a ball.
"Some is wrong with my head!!" Blood came out of her ear again.
*Dustin runs over and tries to help healing.*
*Veran destroys the explosion cancelling its effects.*
*Tera runs over to Monlight.*
T-"Are you okay Moonlight?"
Moonlight: "Ya...Shade are you o--"
*There is a Groudon glaring at them. It shoots another Hyper Beam at them, sending them all flying*
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