Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Shannon doesn't answer. A voice apeared in her mind.
'Ha! I can't belive the stuff your nightmare put in you still works. Now I can control you!'
"" she said in a low voice.
*Suddenly, Emix grabs Shade and kisses him. She immediately pulls away and turns red*
"Sorry... I don't know what came over me..."

*Hidj continues to swim.*
The voice growled.
'Fine, but you have to get away from Garret. If you don't, you'll feel pain again.
*Garret tries to heal her.*

*Shade blushes and smiles.*
"It's okay..."
(Wait... OH NO! I meant to say OSHADE for all of that! Can we just say that OShade was the one she kissed instead?)
(Sure... I was wondering about that, anyways. OShade is the duplicate, right?)
*Emix blushes and puts her paw around OShade*

*Hidj jumps onto the ice and skids across*
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