Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Shannon growled and jumped away from Garret.
No! I have to act like Shannon, no matter how much it'll hurt.
Shannon smiled.
"Sorry, you surprised me," she said in Shannon's voice(But it is still the other person, who is a girl BTW)
Eww! This is going to be hard.
"Uh...Something was wrong with my head powers went crazy and I teleported..."
(Ok OShade was the Shade that Veran was actually brother's with, right? Because remember, Tera and Veran still want to take vengaence on Shade, not OShade.)
*Tera and Veran both nod.*
*They appear in Garret's room with all his belongings.*
*They see MW on the bed sleeping and gently put her in a cage and and then they teleport off to Shade with it.*
V-"Shade... now that OShade is finaly out I won't be killing my dear and powerful brother. Because you. You are an imperfect copy of the original Shade! And I'm disgusted to have to even be partially related to you."
(I'm really sorry for signing then leaving. It seems every time I start to type up something, something goes wrong! D:)

*Sarah was walking around like always, when she noticed Garrett, and Shannon.*

Sarah: Ummm, excuse me for jumping into this conversation, but it's getting late and I was wondering if I could stay with you two for a night... I'll leave tommorow, don't worry.
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