Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Oh believe me, I will. And I don't care what happens. Remember. Havoc, Chaos, and Destruction?"
*Grins evilly and slashes the Nightmare's spine in two.*
"Are what I live for."
*Plunges the blades into the Nightmare's heart, then lops off it's head.*
"You do that, I've got no need to do such a thing. Besides, this is your pendant we're talking about."
I need to get rid of him
"Grayclaw you should be with Shade and everyone else. This quest would be a waste of your talents"
*Looks right at Grayclaw*
That should work
Nightmare was dead. Shannon slowly stood up, eyes still red.
"Hmm...I thought Nightmare dieing would kill me too...."
"... no."
*Looks at Forte.
"I am insignificant to Fate. Fate has never let me deal will such a thing. Shade will emerge either victorious or in defeat without my help."
She leaned back on a tree.
"Yeah, I wonder if Shannon would be killed too...Oh, by the way, you can call me Victoria."
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