Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"No, just curious."
*Sees that his hair's black.*
"... Great..."
*He closes his eyes and concentrates. His eyes turn their normal color, but his hair stays black.*
"Two things. One, it doesn't look like Garret. And two, I don't look good with black hair."
*Grins at the last statement.*
*Laughs as well.*
"I can help with that."
*Puts his hand on her forehead. Her eyes change back to red, but her hair turns black.*
"Hm... Ok, the bad news is that apparently, at least ONE thing has to look different. The good news..."
*Strokes her hair.*
"Is that you look great with black hair."
*Finishes muttering
*Looks at Forte.
"So... where's Shade then?"
She sighed and let him stroke her hair.
"This was the best body anyone in the world could find..."
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