Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Yes. Just let me concentrate..."
*Concentrates on OShade. He is lifted up in the air and suspended there. The circles on his body begin to glow, and then he is put back down.*
*She dissapears right before they can hit and appears behind Chaos*
???: "No, im no idiot"
*She sends some kind of blast at him, hitting him dead on*
Victoria falls to the ground and Shannon's necklace falls off her neck. Victoria picked it up and looked at it.
"Hmm...One off Shannon's little charms?" The necklace started to shake.
"Because I'm bored."
*Grabs her by the throat.*
"Dimensional Anchor."
*The Espeon turns green. She can't teleport. Grins and starts squeezing her throat.*
*The Espeon smiles, untouched. All of the sudden blue stars appear all around Chaos and the fly right towards him*
*Moonlight hears explosions and runs towards them*
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