Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Can you remember anything from when Victoria was controlling you? I can only remember bits and pieces of what Chaos did..."
(Ok, Chaos has learned how to take over Garret's body, Shannon has a spirit named Victoria inside her that's in love with Chaos and can take her over, and OShade is at the beach with Emix.)
"My... my sword... To... Tokashin!"
*Greyclaw slashes the air, creating a small rip in space. He sets his paw in it and pulls out an elegant scarlet broadsword with black ancient words engraved on it.
"It's... it's telling me... not to... go to Shade..."
"Fate won't let me... not yet at least... I'm not needed. You should go for now."
"... I can show you where Shade is, but I can't go there myself."
*Points off in the direction.
"Help him if you wish, but I am binded."
*Greyclaw's face remained emotionless now.
*Waits for him to leave.
... You think I was that foolish? Tokashin - Fate in the ancient dialect - knows all.
*Heads off to where Shade really is.
*Rushes up between Veran and Shade.
*Holds his blade at Veran.
"You're not going to be moving for a while..."
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