Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Parries and continues to exchange blows.
Darn... It's been awhile since I last had combat... No doubt the opponent knows I'm slighty rusty..."
*Chokes out blood.
TOO rusty...
"... you-ugh... you really think... that I would fall... that easily?"
*Chuckles, then coughs out more blood.
... the Tkan moss I hid in my body isn't going to heal me fast enough... not to mention I'm up against a being that's not only superior to me in combat, but can anticipate my moves... oh, the guy can read my mind... Of course life had to be so twisted and unfair. Fine...
"No... Perhaps-"
*Coughs up more blood.
"Perhaps I may be left out of the loop... perhaps I don't understand what's going on... But..."
*Stands up, blade in hand.
"I know it's my Fate to at least stop you, whether I pay my life for it or not."
"You may not yet realize it yet... but..."
*Greyclaws wounds are fully healed.
That's the last of the moss... no second chance... I need to find a way to hide my mind...
"We still didn't finish that match from today."
"That was Garret, not Shade. Garret I have no problem with. Shade..."
*Shakes his head.*
"Is a truly despicable being."
"Garret might not completely agree with you on that one. Despite that "truth" you've unveiled, I'm very sure he believes some good in Shade. Besides..."
*Gets into fighting stance.
"You're of similar skill to Garret, am I not correct?"
(I got gender blind there... sorry. -_-)
Great news...
"Ah well, then I might as well be asking for a death sentence."
*Lunges at Veran.
*Hits the ground, panting.
"You might as well, since I'm the ignorant person that's even asking to be killed."
*Lunges again.
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