Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(OShade=Original Shade. OShade is identical to Shade in every way, except he lived first. Then he died and his soul was bound within his reincarnate, the current Shade)

Twilight ShayminLvr said:

S:I...I can hold you!
Shannon screams in pain and her hair starts to darken.

*Shakes her.*
"Come on Shannon..."
*OShade smiles.*
"Took him long enough..."

*Garret growls.*
Chaos*T*: "My love... Release me..."
*Emix smiles back*
"So, where would you like to go next? I hear Snowpoint is quite romantic."

*Hidj looks around*
"Is there any way you can sense where this pendant is?"
"Yes it's me, Victoria. I would love to sit here and chat, but I want my love out." She wave her hand and Chaos started to come out.
OShade: "Oh, very. In fact... I know the perfect little lake..."
*Smiles and flies Emix to Lake Acuity.*

Garret: "GAH!!! No... I'm not... Letting... That... HAPPEN!"
*Supresses Chaos, barely. It's taking all of his focus to hold him in. If he were at all distracted, Chaos would get out.*
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