Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Hidj wakes up*
Hidj: "Unh... what are we doing again?"

*Emix wakes up in the snow*
Emix: "Wha..."
*Sees OShade next to her. She nuzzles him.*
Garret: WHAT IS SHE DOING?!?!?!
Chaos: How should I know?!?!?!

*Chaos keeps trying to get away.*
(g2g for an hour, haircut.)
Victoria breaks out and growls.
"I hate her." Shannon starts talking to Garret.
"*T*Urgh...What happened?"
(See ya then..I guess)
"Hey! Forte!"
*On top of a building stood Greyclaw, looking as confident as ever.
"I was wondering where you went. I went to see how Shade was doing but you didn't show up."
*Chaos hugs Victoria.*
"That was... Revolting..."
*Garret doesn't answer Shannon. She can sense that he's ticked off.*
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