Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Garret*T*: "He was inserting purified joy and pleasure into you..."

*Veran swings his Shadow Blade at Shade's throat. Shade quickly blocks with a Light Blade.*
*Holds out a scroll.
"If you are desperate, I can send you there in an instant."
"That wasn't pleasant..."
*Shade leaps at Veran again, Shadow Blade in one hand and Light Blade in the other.*
(They were close anyway)
*Greyclaw is watching as well.
If Fate is what I think it is, Shade will somehow get out of this...
"I can't do anything. Every move I make is anticipated, and I'm a far deal slower than Veran."
Chaos: "Really now? That would be perfect... Where is it?"

*Veran stabs Shade in the heart. Shade gasps and coughs up a lot of blood. He collapses, dead.*
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