Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Garret is still fast asleep.*
(Charidude, they teleported to Shade's body, not to OShade. OShade wasn't with the Vanguard, he was at Snowpoint making out with his girlfriend)
*Emix teleports to Hidj, taking OShade with her*
*Hidj is there, frozen solid. There is no way to break through the ice without killing Hidj.*
*Emix pauses and check's Hidj's memory*
"...yes. According to the memory, Hidj and Forte defeated them. But then-"
*Realizes something*
"Forte froze Hidj."
"I was joking."
*Closes his eyes. The ice on Hidj begins to shudder a bit.*
"Alright, this'll be tricky, but I think I can get him out..."
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