Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Once they're out of sight from EMix Veran grabs Shade and pins him against a tree.*
"You are a disgrace to the family bloodline!"
"You really are ignorant aren't you. We are a royal and powerful bloodline. We used to rule the world and it was an utopia. But then our bloodline got soft and distracted, and people started ruining the world to what it is today. Our grandfather was the leader of the bloodline before he passed on. He had seen that our mother and father were never looking out for the true bloodline. And that's where I was. with grandfather while you weree at home with mom and dad. So grandpa told me to put fire to the house. As a warning,not to kill them. But it did. Then he saw love distracted you as well. So you were next. I failed but realied it'd be a waste to kill you. So that's why I brought you back."
"Pathetic? Ha! What's pathetic is you loving Mysticwater and SpottedTalon, then falling for Bell, and after that Moonlight, then it's Shannon and now Emix! Accept your destiny Shade, just like everyone else did. Want to know why you never saw me as kids? I was away at grandpa's. Training and learning my destiny. Even ma and pop told me I was to bring the bloodline back to its former state with you and (what's Shade sister again) by my side. We'd live and rule and bring happiness to the world. It's what mom and dad wanted. It's the east we can do for them isn't it?"
"The world doesn't need to be ruled, it needs to be balanced. And after you caused the disaster that destroyed my life, I began training under the Vanguard as the Emissary of Shadow. I know my destiny. Can you say the same?"
*Starts to walk away.*
"I'm done with you, Veran. Leave and never come back."
"Fine but when I rule the world and it's a utopia! You will understand what I'm searching for! And the Vanguard isn't your friend Shade. Who brought you back to life!"
Victoria grabbed the stone. Shannon started to fade...
What? What's going on?!
*Garret snaps awake. Teleports to Victoria and kicks the stone out of her hands. Grabs it and Chaos starts to fade. Shannon stops fading and comes back.*
"Oooh, so sorry."
*The Vanguard nods. Shade's body starts to glow. He groans but doesn't open his eyes.*
Shade: "Uuuugh... Where's... Moonlight...?"
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