Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Victoria growled at Garret.
"That was my one chance!" She made a Dark-Starlight blade and jumped at him, so mad she forgot she could hurt Chaos.
(PAUSE!!! Ok, no one posts until I get back from camp. SS!, Charidude, and TSL can all post once after I post this. See you in three weeks! Hasta-la-bye bye! :p)
(Hmm... alright then. TSL, SS!, and Charidude can post once a day each. Just please, PLEASE don't make a big plot...)
Ziggoratt999 said:
SS!, Charidude, and TSL can all post once after I post this.
Sooo he said we can post.

Ziggoratt999 said:
(Hmm... alright then. TSL, SS!, and Charidude can post once a day each. Just please, PLEASE don't make a big plot...)

(Of course not. And besides any plot would enventually involve you.)
(Oh but they will. Whether you try to or not. And if not Shade then one of his other forms like CHaos, Garret, or OShade.)
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