Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Horrible planning done my parents. Ah well, I may or may not have internet connection down their so I don't know.)
(Of course! Lol here is a recap. Forte came back and Emma, Pual and Forte go to the beach to try to find the ghost. They go out in a boat to try looking for it and Maria and Tear sneak onto it but get cought. Then a thing startd to appears and Paul attacks it and it retreats back underwater. *Huff puff* THEN Paul goes after it and is never seen again)
*Moonlight smiles*
Moonlight: "Hi there Shade"
*Moonlight smiles*
Moonlight: "You were asleep for a long time..."
*Her face turns angrey*
Moonlight: "Tell me. Who killed you"
*She starts thinking of how she saw Varan..*
(I gtg sprry! Ill be back in 40!)
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