Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Moonlight growls*
Moonlight: "I saw him walking with a bloody sword...i tried to jump at him but he dissapeard before i could.."
*Moonlight looks at Shade*
Moonlight: "You sure you dont know what he was mad about?"
*Veran walks away towards his old base.*
Even without that fool, I will take over the world and bring my bloodline to its former glory. I just need some leveridge over Team Destiny...
(Ok, time to start the new plot;])
Victoria growled at Garret and made a Bloodlust blade(I told you about it;p). She started to attack him.
Victoria snarls and slashes at him again.
STOP!! Shannon yelled. Both Victoria's and Shannon's spirit left her body. Her hair went normal as she fell to the ground. Garret can't see the two spirits.
Name: Daizy
Age: 14
Eeveelution: Shiny Espeon
Description: Daizy was created by a deranged human scientist, by the manipulation of DNA. She has the Power to unleash a devastating, and if unleashed, catastrophic attack which has a power level of it's own. Not having any true parents, and having escaped the lab as a youth, Daizy is a very confused Espeon. She is unaware that she has these powers, but sooner or later they will become evident.
Appearance: Has a scar on the side of stomach, a reminder of the cruel practice that the deranged human scientist put her through.
Shannon slumps over to one side. Victoria made a Bloodlust blade yet again.
"Thank you Shannon, you helped me, because now he can't see me!" Victoria started to attack Garret.(He couldn't hear that;p)
"No!" Shannon made a Starlight blade and bloked her attacks toward Garret.

In the exact same meadow that OShade is in, Daizy walks slowly. She has been injured, and she is bleeding in several places.
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