Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Growls and kicks Veran off. Veran appears 6 miles away from Garret. Garret rushes back to Shannon.*
"No, Shannon..."
*OShade flies back to the base. Lands next to Daizy.*
"How do you like your room?"

*Garret tries desperately to heal Shannon.*
(Ooooh I have an idea....)
*Veran's voice appears in Garret's mind-"Shannon's going to die.... and you have no idea how to save her... how ignorant you are...."
Shannon weakly kissed him on the cheak.
"Don'" Her breathing started to get shalower.
Garret: "I can't live without you, Shannon... If you're going to die..."
*Makes a Shadow Blade.*
"I'm going with you."

OShade: "My name is Shade. I'm the leader of Team Destiny."
"Thank you, OShade!".
"Those Weavile... they really hurt me bad... all because of a power that I don't even know if I have it..."
*Looks at her aura. Sees her power.*
0_0 "... Yeah. You definately have a power... I'm not sure on the specifics, but I can see that you have something..."
Daizy looks scared.
"Do you anything about my power? I just wish it would go away... I've done terrible things with it..."
Daizy begins to sob.
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