Finished Eeveelution RPG

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The shapes took form of two Eevees, a Vaporeon, a Umbreon, and Shannon. Shannon's hair wair no longer golden brown but pale grey and her eyes were lifeless. She sat, looking at the ground.
Shannon doesn't take her eyes of the ground. The two Eevees were whispering to each other.
"He doesn't know, does he?"
"Doubt it..."
Shannon still didn't respond. The Eevees kept talking.
"I'm guessing Sunset will tell-Ah, here she goes now." The Umbreon stood.
*Garret keeps trying to get Shannon's attention.*

*Shade curls around Moonlight. He falls asleep 10 minutes later.*
"Love you..."
"Love you to..."
*She falls asleep*
(Ok this is were im going to stop cuz i only have 10 min and there is not enough time...and remember do not post with Shade until after i post with Moonlight tomarrow. I will still be on Pokestory for the last 10 min though)
(Sorry about that, but we already have a plot going.When we find Jason and Sarah, then you can come in;] Anyway, getting on the plane soon so won't be on for a few hours=/
"Well... aren't you going to say something about my story or not?", Daizy asked, after being mega-ignored by OShade. :p
(I can play for a bit more until my Iphone dies or we get on the plane:>)
"Garret, there's not a point tring to get her to respond."
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