Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Daizy begins to tell her story:

"My first memory is me living in a village... it's still sketchy. It was called the White Plains. You wouldn't know of t anymore, though... thanks to me..."

"One day, a pack of wild Tauros trampled a section of the village underfoot, and my parents were killed. I can't remember anything else about that day. All I know is that White Plains no longer exists, ad I can only think of one reason why; It must have been my power."

"My next memories involve me barely alive... I scraped by, barely even getting enough to eat. I had to fend for myself. And then came the day the Darkness Brigade came after me..."

"The Darkness Brigade is a dark and mysterious organization bent on conquering the entire world. The leader is a Weavile who's color is that of one who is marked with evil. Because of that, Weavile listen to him and do as he says... or else. They came after me, and I had to run..."

"And today, they caught me... they did horrible things to me... they injured me badly... but I got away somehow, in a way that I cannot explain. My power rescued me..."

At this point, she stops her story.
Shannon's breathing got shallower and shallower. She lay limp but she still had a faint heartbeat.
Her lips parted slightly, yet no words came out. She gave a shudder and murmered something.
Shannon tried to continue, but her words came out in a mumble. Her breathing kept slowing, her heart barley beating.
*Garret looks at the shapes.*

*Shade smiles.*
"Like I said before, get in line."
*Kisses her.*
"I love you so much..."
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