Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Jade stops crying and laughs at Jason. She jumps on top of him and starts bouncing*
(Ah! Charidude not yet! Wait till Jade runs away!)
(Lol you guys wait till i say one week later! I want to do somthing before Veran catches Jade! Zigg can i say one week later yet?)
*Silver just keeps looking down*
Sarah's breathing quickened and she bit her bottom lip.
Jason laughed.
"Maybe they aren't so bad!" He playfuly pushes Jade gently. He stops and picks up Shade.
"It's ok..."
*One week later*
*Shade is still very secluded and depressed. He doesn't open up to anyone except, occasionally, Silver.*
*Veran quietly watches from the bushes.*
"Paitence Veran. Just wait until one leaves. I know you could do it by yourself but the phropecy needs the blood of our bloodline."
She sighed. "Night..."
I don't know how much loger I can keep this up, but I've seen the way he loves Shannon, I can't break him... she thought...
She rested her head on his chest and fell asleep.
*Shade, Jade, Griffin, and Silver all appaer in the same dream*
Silver: "What are you guys doing in my dream!?"
Jade: "What are you doing in mine?!"
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