*The last egg starts to wiggle and crack, The last Eevee falls out onto the ground. Jade looks at*
Jade: "Siler!
*The Eevee has different colored fur like this http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs44/f/2009/134/b/6/Silver__the_Eevee_by_Veemonsito.jpg . It looks around confused*
Sarah teleported to them(She looks a WHOLE lot like Shannon. Almost the same), Jason close behind her.
"What's going on?!" She said, looking at the baby Eevees.
Sarah nuzzled the Jade and looked at Garret.
"Jason, it's Garret!" Jason turned into a Flareon and looked at Sliver.
Sarah set Jade down and ran over to Garret, trying to wake him. Jason sat down next to Jade.
"Garret, you ok? Come on, wake up!"
*Griffin starts banging on the walls of the crib.*
"I wat out! I wat out!"
*Far beneath the temple ruins Veran concentrates and focuses.*
"What's this? Chaos is no more? And a little baby Shade has been born? Now this will be child's play. 4 babies and any of them could give me world domination... My life just got too easy..."
"And there's more... Garret? Sarah is making him feel depressed about Shannon... oh this can't get any better. At this rate I could take over the universe without any help..."