Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Uhh...I started using Sarah and Jason...Moonlight named the baby girl Jade, Jade teleported to Sarah Jason, who Veran found. Moonlight found them and attacked Veran. Then they left the temple(Moonlight, Sarah, Jason, and Jade.)
*Moonlight saids bye to Sarah and Jason and telaports back to Shade. She puts the sleeping, Jade, back into her bed and sighs*
Moonlight: "Sorry i was gone so long Shade.."
"No problem."
*Smiles and kisses her.*

*Garret shudders.*
*Turns into an Umbreon. Chaos is released.*
*Flies to Shade and Moonlight. Lands next to them.*
"Aww, children... So adorable..."
*Grins evilly.*
Shade: *growls* "Chaos, stay away from my family..."
*They both make Shadow Blades.*
"Like I'm scared of you..."
*Leaps past them and grabs Jade. Holds the blade to her neck.*
Shade: "JADE!!!"
*Closes his eyes.*
"... That does it..."
*They snap open.*
"Moonlight... There's only one way to truly stop Chaos. To kill him..."
*A single tear falls down his face.*
"The souls of two lovers... Need to use all their energy to destroy him..."
*Shade kisses Moonlight.*
"I love you... And no matter what happens, I always will..."
*Closes his eyes. They both begin to fade, and so does Chaos.*
"WHAT?! NO!!!"
"Goodbye, my love..."
*They all completely vanish. An egg remains where Shade was.*
*Jade falls to the ground, and starts crying*
Jade: "Dida mima!"
*She continues to cry*
(Im using Griffin since Charidude is not on)
*Griffin also starts crying*
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