Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Lol its not Veran who is going to do it to Moonlight, Remember?)
*Jade's fur is completly black and whispy now*
*The whole place falls into a pich black darkness, and the stone Umbreons start to crumble. Moonlight falls to the ground*
Sarah blinked and she could see clear through the darkness. She saw Moonlight on the ground and rushed over tto her, pulling Jason along.
"Are you ok?!?"
(I was just trying to get Moonlight to leave....)
"What in the?... Oh... the child. Take it and leave Moonlight! If it's a daughter of yours it's not welcome here."
*Turns toward Sarah and Jason.*
"Let's go. You have much more to learn..."
(WEll actualy Jade is part of Verans bloodline, but ow well!)
Moonlight: "Ya im fine..."
*She gets up shakily*
Moonlight: "Your with him?! He tried to kill Shade!"
*Jade is still looking at Veran with anger in her eyes*
"Rule what destiny?"
"This is your last chance at the truth Sarah. You'd be suprised what power you have locked away... And Jason, with the power stored away in all of us we could heal your eyes. Allowing you to see this great world through your own eyes again!"
Sarah looked at Jason.
"No," they said together, looking at Veran. Jason bit his lip, much like Sarah did.
Sarah looked at Jason.
"Yes, we made the right choice...Beside, I'm not always blind." Jason gave a slight smile.
Sarah follows and Jason starts to glow. He turns into a Flareon and followed, not tripping over anything.
(Darn...i just got back from the mall and expected Zigg to be on...mabye she really has left us..:( And what kind of pokemon was Jason?)
(He was human at the time, so he is a Flareon. When he is a Pokemon, he isn't blind. But he doesn't like staying a Pokemon)
Sarah blinked.
"I guess so...But who is Shannon? I only saw her in my head, but I have no idea who she is..."
"Ah, well maybe she can help me find Garret..." Jason turns back into a human and walks up to them.
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