Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Sarah looked at Jason and he just gave a nod. Sarah grabbed Jade and stood. Jason got up and took a deep breath as if he was smelling the air. He took a step towards Sarah, but his foot hit a rock and he triped.
"Stupid rock," he hissed, muttering some words under his breath as he dusted himself of.
"Watch your step there."
*Veran started to swiftly move through the dense overgrowth of the forest heading toward a clearing.*
*eventually they arrive at some sort of an ancient temple.*
"THis, is where we will find all of our answers. The secret of our ancestors."
Sarah looks up at it in awe. Jason reads her mind to see what she was seeing.
"Wow," she mouthed.
(Maybe, I start it next week though;p)
Sarah and Jason kept moving, Jason was still triping over almost anything.
Can we trust him? I know he is family, but.. Sarah thought...
Veran-"These are all about our family. Now follow me to the very end of the hall where our ever-changing family tree awaits us."
Sarah's eyes came back to focus and she shook her head.
"Is the person I look like named Shannon?" Jason looked at her, shocked.
Jason pulled Sarah along.
"Come one, you can think about it later."
She nodded,"Right." She followed along, still thinking about what she saw.
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