Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Oww...I really hate needles now(Four shots plus a bloodsugar or whatever you call it on my finger)...Hmm...You guys are right about Haley...I hope she doesn't leave this thread. It's the third biggest on PB...Oh well, anyone wat to start again?)
(Lol the shots did not hurt! I remember getting them! But the bloodsugar one does :p. And if we did do that, which charactors would we use?)
(I'm good with that. And I have an idea...)
*Veran was walking around when he spotted Jason and Sarah.*
"Who are these two?..."
(No, but I hate needles and one shot gave me a headach, witch isn't too bad, because it makes some girls black out.)
Sarah sat down and sighed.
"Why don't we go just now?"
"Because I don't even know where Garret is, I don't just wanna pop in on Shade, and," he smiled and his tummy growled,"I'm hungrey."
*Veran stopped overhearing them.*
"Garret and Shade? Why would they want to see them?..."
*Veran walked over to them holding lots and lots of berries and fruit.*
"I'm sorry intruding but I overheard you were saying you were hungry and I have more than enough food if you wanted some?"
(Ok Zigg im just going to name the girl Eevee cuz your taking to long)
*Moonlight smiles at the girl Eevee*
Moonlight: "How about Jade? I think we should name her Jade.."
*She picks up Griffin and Jade and puts them into a little bed she made*
Moonlight: "Time for you guys to have a nap"
*Moonlight lays down next to the bed and falls asleep*

*Jade looks around bordley. She sneezes and appears next to Sarah, looks up at her, and giggles*
*Griffin who was resting on Jade's shoulder fell over since, well he had no shoulder to rest on.*
*Griffin looked around for Jade.*
Jason looked at him with unseeing and took some furit with cation. He hand a few to Sarah and went back to eyeing Veran, trying not to show his weakness. Blindness
"Thanks, but who are you?" he ask, not shifting his weight. Sarah loked from Jason to Veran, taking a bit from an apple. Sarah sees Jade and jumps up. Jason looked at Sarah, not knowing what see was looking at.
(Remember, Sarah looks a whole lot like Shannon.)
*Veran eyed them as well.*
"That's strange that girl looks, a lot like... Shannon! What's going on here? I saw her die!"
"Sorry for being rude, my name is Veran. I'm sorry to be rude but you, little girl, look a lot like someone I knew. What's your name?"[/i]
Jason thought for a second,Does she look like anyone? I could never tell... He moved to the side a litte.
Sarah gave a quick smile to Jade and turned her gave back to Veran.
"My name is Sarah and this is my brother, Jason." She pointed at Jason and he gave a rude nod, figureing he had been looked at.
Sarah picks Jade up and bounces her playfully on her lap.
"I don't know, but she is soo cute!" Jason gave a loud snort. Sarah whispered to him.
"If you want to see, just read my mind, sheesh." Jason nodded again.
"Well anyway. Do you have any relatives. We may just be related! You might not think it butt I lately have had some family tree. All thanks to my brother Shade...."
"Oh," Jason mouthed to Sarah. Sarah handing Jason Jade, and he smiled playfully at Jade.
Sarah dug in her bag and pulled out a picture of Star and Garret.
"This is our mom, Star and I guess..." She looked at the photo of Garret."Her father...But she also said Garret was Shade..."
"This just got interesting..."
"Well then that changes everything. Yes that is Star. And yes, Garret is in fact Shade a the same time. And I, am Shade's brother. But there's so much you need to know now... But I can't explain it here. Come with me and I'll tell you everything about our family fro the very beginning. That is if you want to know."
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