Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Moonlight sighs*
Moonlight: "Griffin its ok.."
*She gives him a bottle of Moomoo milk and looks at the last egg worridly*
Its not hatching...why?
(I gtg from 30 min-to a hour. Later guys!)
Age: (The pokemon age like humans)13
Eeveelution:Shiny Leafeon
Description:Kind,Adventurous,hates Charidzards.
Appearance Has a pouch with healing spells inside and glows when in the sunlight for a very long time.
Jason grabbed Sarah's arm.
"Wait, we can't go right now. Let's rest and then head out."

(Can someone talk with them or something?=/)
Do not worry about that guy anymore. He'll be banned if he posts again.

(Darn, oh well. Maybe in the morning, though I have to get used to the new time zone...EDIT:Wait, I have my 6th grade shots in the morning='(...)
(Doctor shots...I hate needles='/....And I just came home from my dad's....It's only a small time change, back I still get wacked up, lol)
(Yeah, I've never been out of my timezone. Lol. Although I'm been like everywhere in it. So I have no idea what it's like to go tht far. O well gtg.)
(We have to wait for Haley, but you might want to add a but more deital(however you spell it, lol)..Needles='()
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