Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*At the end of the hall was a large stone tablet. On it showed hundreds and hundreds of generations. And ended with the 2 of them.*
(It is Shade's family tree but if you think about it, OShade is Sarah and Jason's grandpa. Where Shade's 3 kids are the sons of a Shade. So really Sarah and Jason are the last in the family tree.)
Sarah bit her bottom lip. Jason waited for her to look up so he could she. Sarah shook her head and looked up.
*Moonlight yawns and wakes up. She checks on Jade and Griffin but Jade is gone*
Moonlight: "Jade! Griffin, were did Jade go!?"
*Griffin sits down sadly.*
"Everybudy gone..."
Veran-"You! What are you doing here! This is a sacred sanctuary for my bloodline only!"
(Lol Griffin still has Shade)
*Moonlight does not listen to a work Varen says*
*She hisses and forms a Twilight blade*
Sarah gasped and her eyes came back to focus. Jason was looking in the dection he thought was the new person that had came(Moonlight, lol). Sarah jumped when she herd a hiss and stared at Moonlight.
Veran-"I only killed him because he was going to prevent destiny! It's slowly coming and I will rule it all! You think Chaos appearing is bad luck? It's a sign! My time to rule has come!"
*Veran's eyes started to glow.*
"You made a big mistake challenging me here...."
*Veran's eyes started to glow and soon he was floating in the air.*
*Veran pointed his paw at Moonlight and an inviable force sent her flying back against the walls.*
*Moonlight gets hit and groans in pain. Jade, gasps and her fur starts turning darker. Jade glares at Veran with red eyes, and sends a Shadow blast at him*
Sarah looked at both of them and then to Jason.
"What do we do?!" He didn't say anything, just stood there.
*Veran takes the hit but stays strong.*
"This isn't because I hate you but because you have violated this sacred temple...."
*Suddenly bricks from every direction start to come out of the world and then behind Veran are 2 giants stone Umbreons.*
"Go my minions!"
*The 2 stone figures grabs Moonlight and start to suffocate her.*
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