Finished Eeveelution RPG

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A pale, young Eevee stumbles very clumsly. She looked around for a bit to eat and grabbed a berry of a tree.
The Eevee didn't notice him and slowly chewed the berry. She gave a quick yawn, but kept moving through the forest, still very clumsy.
*Garret walks away from Chloe. A music sheet falls out of his backpack and lands next to Chloe. Garret doesn't notice and keeps walking.*
The Eevee jumped at the sound and lost her footing. She fell flat on her face.
"Ow..." she murmered, sitting up.
Chloe grabs the music sheet quitely.
*The music is titled: "Song of Lust." There's a little side note on it.*
Causes target to fall in love with the user as long as they're near them. For emergency use only.
Chloe smiled at the note. She started to read the whole song as she started walking towards Garret.
The Eevee shook her head, dirt flying out of her fur.
"Yeah, it doesn't help that I so darn clumsy."
The Eevee nodded.
"Yes, I live here. My name is Isabella, but just call me Bella."
Chloe reached in her backpack and pulled out her flute. She got close to Garret and started to play the song.
She just slightly smiled and murmered,"I told you you could break up with her."
Chloe kept playing.
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