Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Chloe still doesn't stop and keeps playing.
Bella shokes hands(Or paws rather) with him and smiled.
"Nice to meet you Griffin."
"So. You hungry. I know a great spot for food by the gorge just a little bit up from here."
(little kids may use up instead of north.)
*The reach a small gorge and sure enough there's a large apple tree with bright red apples.*
*Starts to climb up the tree.*
"Can you climb?"
"If I try hard not to be clumsy, yes." Climbs up the trees quickly, careful not to let he paws slip.
"Well I didn't know that would happen..." She rushed over to Garret and began to shake him.
"Really no family? So you live all alone? That has to be horrible. Come on you can spend the night with me and my sisters."
Chloe smiled and hugged him.
"Thanks Garret."
Bella blinked in surpise.
"That's very nice of you, but you don't have to go through the trouble..."
(She's selfless, not selfish, as you can see^)
Chloe strokes he cheak, feeling his blush. She smiled.
"Oh I'm fine, I don't mind being alone..."
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