Finished Eeveelution RPG

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While Chloe was smileing, thinking she had won, Sarah grabbed the sheet and stepped a few feet back. She smirked.(Sure Charidude=])
*Griffin shakes Bella's head friendly trying to wake her up.*
"Hey Bella. It's morning."
(Zigg. Have you seen the pm I sent you on pokestory?)
"Getting Garret back..." She ran to her bag and grabbed her flute. She started to play the song backwords.
(She doesn't have Shannon's powers, yet...)
Bella didn't wake up and mumbled in her sleep.
"Ahh... I'll let her sleep."
*Quietly lays he down on the branch so she doesn't fall and then dives into the river in the gorge to wash himself.*
(Just leave it like that i gtg. orthodontist.)
(She doesn't need them)
*The spell breaks Garret passes out. Chloe slaps Sarah across the face.*
(I know she doesn't need them, but she'll get them soon and lol at the slap)
Sarah winces and bit at the slap but doesn't move.
"Because I love him!"
Bella stir in the tree a bit, but didn't wake.
Bella slightly opened her eyes, but was still half asleep.
"Mmm, Griffin?"
Kicks it out of her hands and grabbed it. A force feild apeared between them(Sarah did it, but didn't know).
Sarah didn't know what happened, but smirked at Chloe, She ran over to Garret and started to shake him.
Bella woke up compltly and almost fell out of the tree.
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