Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Silver purrs and starts to fall asleep*
*Jade watches, sadly*
Im the only one that does not have love..
*She looks at Shade*
Hes so cute...
SkySheild21 said:
Age: (The pokemon age like humans)13
Eeveelution:Shiny Leafeon
Description:Kind,Adventurous,hates Charidzards.
Appearance Has a pouch with healing spells inside and glows when in the sunlight for a very long time.
(Zigg can I join?)
Chloe spat mad at Sarah, trying to break the sheild.
Sarah hugged him.
"It's fine. It wasn't your falt..."
Chloe pushed on the sheild, not giving up. Sarah kissed him back and curled her fingures in his hair.
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