Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Jade keeps watching Shade, confused*
What does he mean?! Can he not tell that Silver loves him?!
*All of the sudden a Mightyena jumps at Jade, and grabs her. Jade yelps in surprise and starts struggling, trying to get out of the Mightyena's grips*
(Hmmm good spot for Veran to come in.)
*Veran leaped in and kicked the Mightyena away.*
Veran-"Leave her alone!"
"She'll think I'm a hero. and she'll happily come with me to the temple..."
Griffin-"Well that's good. Come on. I wanna show you something I found while I was swimming."
*Sees the Mightyena fighting Veran. Growls. His claws grow to 6 inches long. Leaps onto the Mightyena.*
"Leave. Them. ALONE!!!"
*Slits it's throat.*
"... I have a brother...?"
*Looks hopeful for a second. Then sighs.*
"How do I know you're telling the truth? I don't even know who my parents are, much less whether I have a brother."
(... Wait... Can't Veran take Shade? And Shade looks younger than his old self)
(Back, but I'll have to leave for Open House soon...)
Sarah didn't stir.
Bella smiled.
"Ok, let's go!"
*The sheet of music is now nothing but ashes. Erases the exact order of the notes from Chloe's memory.*
"Now you can't play it anymore."
(Yes... yes he can. And he knows because while he was concentrating in the temple he saw everything that went on so he knows everything. aNd Zigg check out I made it for a few people but yu never signed up. Please do.)
"I am telling the truth. You see, when Moonlight's eggs were hatcing you killed Chaos who killed Moonlight. When killing Moonlight you ended up using all your energy. You then reincarnated into well you. And your children are Griffin, Silver, and Jade. Believe me now?"
Griffin-"Okay come on!"
*Griffin jumps into the river in the gorge.*
Chloe got up, looking at he burned hands and stalked away.
Bella looked down the gorge. She jumped in.
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