Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Shame it's like that."
*Punches him in the head which knocks him out.*
*Veran picks him up and teleports away with him.*
Griffin-"You're doing good Bella, just, listen to me. Over on the side is another rock. You can climb out from it. Climb out, and go find Silver, she'll know what to do."
*Griffin starts to swing his body and swing Bella over to the ledge.*
"Sarah, don't think that I love you any less..."
*Hugs her.*
"I love you just as much as I love Shannon..."
*Hugs them both.*
"Don't worry Shade. Soon everything will be okay...."
*Veran places Shade on a circle and his body starts to levatate. Veran feels power within him but not enough.*
"What is happening! I have all of Shade's powers and it's not like- them.... those kids have what I need... power. Now to collect them, 1 by 1...."
*Veran teleports off.*
(Seriously Zigg. Please check out the True Elite Rpg.)
*Jade reaches Silver*
*Silver wakes up startled and binks at Jade*
Silver: "What" she snaped "Can't you see i was SLEEPING?!""
Jade: "Shade got captured!"
*Silver blinks and looks at Jade darkly*
Silver: "What?"
Silver: "By who?!"
Jade: "Veran!"
*Silver growls*
Silver: "The guy mom told us about?"
Jade: "Y-ya...what are we going to do?!"
"What do you think?!" Silver snaped "We are going to rescue him!"
Jade: "...but..i dont know were he went.."
*Silver looks at her, with anger and hatred in her eyes*
Silver: "WHAT!?
*Jade flinched then spoke*
"Veran, teleported away with Shade"
*She looks at Silver again, and still sees the anger in her eyes*
Jade: "I TRIED to help! I coudnt do anything though!"
*Silver relaxes a little, her eyes full with understanding*
Silver: "..All we can do is keep a lookout for them" She muttered "If you see Veran come striaght back to me! And tell me!"
*Jade nods*
*Silver looks around confused*
Silver: "Shade?"
*Jade looks at Silver*
Jade: "Silver, Shade is not here..remember?"
"Of course i remember!" She snaped
(She does not know how to do telepathy)
Silver: "Were are you Shade? And what do you mean he'll get us? Why does he even want us?!"
*Jade looks at Silver as if she is crazy*
*Griffin was struggling to hold but then he accidently slipped and he started being pulled over the waterfall. Luckily there was one ledge on the way down that he hit.*
"Oh man... I'm stuck above a waterfall'..."
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