Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Keeps trying to escape.*
Shade*T*: "Silver, my love, just in case I never see you again, know that I love you more than words can describe, and I don't deserve someone as good as you."
(Oh Lol sorry! I was not here when he met Bella, so i do not know if they met :p Ignore my last post)
*Silver smiles then looks at Jade*
Silver: "Lets go look for Griffin!"
*They run of*
*Jade and Silver hear Griffin and sees him hanging about the waterfall*
Jade: "Hold on Griffin!"
*Silver and Jade help Griffin up*
*Shade wakes up. Growls.*
"I'm so out of here..."
*Breaks free in an explosion of dark energy. Runs through the temple and gets to the exit. Runs through the forest until he sees Silver.*
"I'm not entirely sure.. But I didn't escape unharmed..."
*Collapses, a large burn covering his entire left side.*
(Back from open House...None of my friends are in my homeroom, but I didn't get the evil teather=)Anything I missed?)
(Well Griffin was freed by Jade and Silver who just found out that Shade escaped from Veran. Oh and Silver is sooo much like Moonlight. THey both hate Veran with all their hearts.)
Griffin-"Bella! Bella where are you!"
Sarah begins to fade. Shannon looks at Garret.
"Now you two most go," She kissed him.
(Wait, did they save Bella too?)
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