Finished Eeveelution RPG

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charidude said:
Griffin-"You're doing good Bella, just, listen to me. Over on the side is another rock. You can climb out from it. Climb out, and go find Silver, she'll know what to do."
*Griffin starts to swing his body and swing Bella over to the ledge.*
That was the last post involving Bella.
(Ahh, 'Kay.)
Bella was clinging onto the rock. She pulled herself on top, panting.
Sarah slowly wakes up and looks around.
Bella looked up to where her name was called and lost her footing. She fell back into the river. Pushing her way upward, she soon became too tried and fainted.
*Silver and Jade look at Shade worriedly*
Jade: "Is he going to be ok?"
Silver: "I dont know.."
*Alice jumps out from behind a bush and walks over to Shade, Jade and Silver*
Alice: "Whats wrong?"
Silver: "Who are you?"
Alice: " one of Shades friends.."
*She looks at his burn*
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