Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Silver: "Is he going to be-"
*Silver notices that Alice is gone*
Silver: "Were did sh-"
*Alice is running back towards them carring seeds. She puts some in Shade's mouth*
Alice: "Shade eat this, it will help you feel better"
Silver: "What are they?"
Alice: "They are Poppy seeds...they will help ease the pain"
*Shade quiets down, but the burn is still there. It's making his breathing very hoarse and rhaspy.*
(Go to shade and solaria's rpg plz)
Jason looked at Solaria and smiled.
"Yeah she's fine. Just a little tried."
Sarah looks around.
"What happened? Where did Chloe go?"
Name: Shadow
Age: 11
Eeveelution: Umbreon
Description:parents died from capture of team rocket. Has bee nalone all his life is still searching for hs mom and dad
Appearance:Shiny form
*Shade is still unconscious.*

*Garret nods.*
"I made it catch fire. Now she'll never be able to play it again, unless she somehow forces me to write it out again for her."

*Smiles at Bella.*
"Hey sleepyhead."
(You're in FalcoVet)
Sarah smiled.
"She's only human...What's the worse she could do?"
Bella looks up at Solaria.
"Umm...Have I met you?"(They haven't met, lol)
Bella slowly stood up, looking at Griffin.
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