Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Shade!I'm not sure.Something tell's me there is something weird about this one though."
Jade: "You! Zangoose, what am i doing here?! Let me out!"
*The Zangoose wakes up and gives a nasty glare at Jade*
Zangoose: "Shut up! Cant you see I was alseep?!"
*Jade looks surprised by the responce that the Zangoose gave her*
Jade: "Sooory" she growled "But let me out of here!"
(-_- Honestly, has no one ever studied mammal anatomy? Babies can't eat anything but milk from their mothers)
*Cries louder.*
"It's so cute"*Finds a Berry and Hands it to the Evee*

(I know but this isn't Exactly real)
(Sorry, but I didnt know...)
"Lets get you to your mother...or someone that can ber her...Here, get on my back."
"Silver! We need you! Please come!"
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