Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"No......He's...gone.SHADE!!!!"*Echo's all over the Forest*"I can't Belive he's Gone."
(You copied off Soul!!!!!!!!!XD(Soul died and doesnt remember Chloe btw, but she doesnt know that yet.)
*stops crying.*
*Silver keeps walking, not knowing that Shade is gone*
*Jade wakes up dizzely*
Jade: "Uggg...."
*She is in a cage. She looks around confused and sees a Zangoose sleeping right by her cage*
Jade: "What the?"
*The Zangooses ear twiches but it stays asleep*
(SS!, plz go to the Shade and Solaria rpg)

Garret: "We're human kids. If we didn't go to school, we'd have truent officers on our tails 24/7..."
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