Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Oh, lol. Its from the embarrased to play pokemon thread. lol anyways, is SS! gonna post? Only me posting in the Chloe RPG makes Soul look loopy. Wait, what???XD)
"Then Ill go after them, now."*runs off, looking for the group*
(SS!, is that the grovyle in your sig? Who drew it? It looks awesome!)
(No, i fif not draw it. I would draw a pic and put it on a sig but my scanner is not working and GIMP is not working either..But the Groyvle does look awsome! :p)

*Nothing happens*
*Silver sighs*
Silver: "..."
*The Grovyle watches Soul*
Groyvle: "Hes never going to find it..."
(-_- You're not allowed to find him, remember?)
*Opens his eyes. Weakly gets up.*
"Can't... Quit..."
*Slams against the wall again.*
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