Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Ziggoratt999 said:
*Growls. Turns into an Eevee.*
Garret *T*(What does that mean?): "And the fact that I'm a pokemon doesn't freak you out?!"

*keeps searching*
Josh was walking through the hall, carrying a Eevee.
"Hmm, I wounder why a Eevee was walking around, Oh well..." Takes out a Pokeball.
(Look at what I posted in the chat quote thread;p)
*Senses Josh and Sarah.*
*Teleports next to Josh. Breaks the arm that's holding the pokeball with an Iron Tail. Grabs Sarah and teleports to Team Destiny's base, panting heavily.*
"Team Destiny's base..."
*Seems darker than usual.*
"Stay here."
*Makes it so that she can't leave the building.*
*Teleports to the school, right behind Josh. Makes a Shadow Blade and growls.*
"I am so tired of this human..."
Josh looks at the blade and is unable to speak.
Sarah closed her eyes and teleported to Garret(She knew he was mad at gosh so..). Her eyes flickered to Shannon's hazel blue and Shannon gasped when she saw Garret.
"Garret don't!" Shannon jumps at Garret and get cut. She falls to the ground.
"He didn't mean it...He though it was just an Eevee, not a reason to kill him!" Starts to bleed.
*His eyes switch to sky-blue. The blade changes from Shadow to Light. His fur gets noticeably lighter.*
*Holds her in his arms.*
*Her cut heals.*
"I'm so sorry... I don't know what I was thinking..."
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