Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Groyvle: "Im not surprised.."
*Silver is still in shock of what Groyvle told her*
*Jade looks around*
Jade: "....everything is so.. weird"
(SS! Whats happening? I can try and help you. Can you help me? check my new thread.)

"Ok. Silver, whats wrong?"
(The Layers just weren't merging right :p I fixed it!)
*Jade nods and starts looking also*
Silver: "Shade and Jade are in another dimention!"
(Ok, do you know how to put the fonts and brushes you download into GIMP? Do you know any good links?)

(SS i dont know anywere you can download i did not even know that it could :p
Zig; yes they will later :p)
*All of the sudden both Shade and Jade feel a blast of wind that sends them flying. Jade hits the ground*
Jade: "Ow!"
*She looks around but sees nothing*
Jade: "...what was that?"
Grovyle: "They are in Giratina's dimention"
*Silver goes ridged*
Silver: "...giratina?...."
Jade: "Are yo-
*She screams in horor as she sees Giratina right in front of her*
Groyvle: "Giratina is a pokemon who got banished from this dimension because of how he was tyring to rule the world..."
Silver: O_O
"But, Arceus wouldnt do that. There has got to be something wrong with this, I wonder what happened...."
(Lol there was a whole nother plot about Arceus being banished and stuff :p)
Groyvle: "But Arceus is not leader..Saphire is"
*Giratina laughs*
Giratina: "Oh, but you dont have your powers, do you? Go ahead and try to hurt me"
*He laughs again*
"Don't tempt me... I don't need my powers to beat you..."
But a non-broken arm would help....
*Fires a Shadow Ball at Giratina. Uses Night Slash quickly afterwards.*
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