Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Giratina lets it hit him. It does nothing*
Giratina: "You need to go back into your cage and wait for your sibblings to join you"
Jade: "NO!"
*Giratina smiles*
Giratina: "Saphire thought she could banish me forever! What a fool! Does she not know I have pokemon in your world helping me to get power?"
*He laughs*
Giratina: "Once I have all your powers I will rule the world!"
(Lol ya i made the banners on GIMP :] thanks!)
Groyvle: "Giratina needs all of Shade's, kids powers. As soon as he gets them all he will control this world.."
Silver: O_O
"That'll never happen. We're not the only ones with powers out there... Someone WILL stop you... Maybe I'm not destined to be that person... But if I'm not I'll die trying."
*Sees a sword hanging on the wall. Grabs it and grins. Leaps at Giratina and slashes him across the face.*
*He lunges at Shade and uses Shadow Force*
Grovyle: "Nobody can get there exept for that Zangoose and Weavile.."
*Dodges with a backflip. Lunges at Giratina and stabs him in the chest, half an inch away from his heart. Realizes he missed the heart.*
0_0 "Oh no... How could I miss?!"
*Giratina roars in rage and throws Shade into the building wall, then uses Shadow ball at him*
Jade: "NO!"
*She tackles Giratina*
Groyvle: "Were you even listening?! We cant get there!"
*The Shadow Ball hits Shade's broken arm.*
*Collapses. Growls and gets up. Runs at Giratina. Grabs the sword, which is on the ground. Leaps onto Giratina's back and stabs him in the base of the neck.*
Giratina: " think this i-"
*He chokes out blood then he dissapears*
Jade: O_O
Grovyle: "You can try but Silver cant go"
*Siver is still in shock*
*Falls to the ground, bleeding heavily from his broken arm. Pants heavily.*
"Jade... Listen to me... I need you to leave... There should be a portal somewhere in here... I need you to find it and escape... Do you understand...?"
*Jade growls*
Jade: "Your coming to!"
*She picks him up and starts looking for a portal*
(I know, just wait for a little bit and it will effect everyone. Its just this part that is based on Jade and Shade)
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